About PyHam

PyHam is a collection of applications and software libraries for ham radio enthusiasts, written in Python.

The applications are intended to address real-world use cases for the ham while keeping complexity to a minimum and focusing on ease of use. By avoiding the lure of trying to be all things to all people, PyHam applications target the majority of users at the possible expense of those few who may desire additional capabilities.

The libraries are written in pure Python, and each focus on a particular technology with the goal of making that technology easier to work with than it otherwise would be. PyHam applications are themselves built upon these libraries.

PyHam software has been developed with a primary focus on Direwolf as a platform, since it is the dominant software TNC in use today. However, where appropriate, the software has also been tested against other platforms such as ldsped and AGWPE.



Paracon is a packet radio terminal application for Linux, Mac and Windows. It runs in a terminal window, supports multiple simultaneous connected-mode sessions, and has support for unproto mode.

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PyHam libraries are Python packages that can be installed from PyPI, the Python Package Index, using pip.


A set of modules for working with AX.25 packets in an amateur packet radio environment on all platforms. Includes support for NET/ROM routing table updates, and also facilities for working with the Linux native AX.25 stack.

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A client implementation of the KISS TNC protocol, providing send and receive capability via a TCP/IP connection.

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A full Packet Engine client library for the AGWPE protocol, enabling and simplifying the creation of connected-mode and unconnected applications that communicate through servers such as Direwolf or ldsped.

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About Open Source

Many libraries and applications in the ham radio arena are “closed source”, meaning that the source code is not made available by the author. While this is something that many hams don’t really think about, problems can arise when the author becomes a Silent Key, or simply loses interest in maintaining the software. At some point, a closed source application may cease to function on a new version of an operating system, or may depend on old libraries that are no longer available, leaving the users with no recourse but to seek alternative software, if such even exists. Unfortunately, there are numerous instances in which this has happened.

By making libraries and applications Open Source, the source code is available to interested parties, such that these kinds of problems may be resolved should they arise. The opportunity exists for a developer community to be created around the code, in addition to a user community, and for that community to pick up the torch in the event that the original author(s) are no longer available to further develop it. In addition, Open Source provides an excellent source for those who wish to learn how to construct their own libraries and applications.